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要上天? 优步将与NASA合作研发飞行汽车|pg娱乐电子游戏

发布日期:2024-10-15 09:15 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Uber and NASA announced last Tuesday that theyre teaming up to simulate flying taxis in urban areas. 上周二,优步公司和美国宇航局(NASA)宣告合作仿真城区中的飞行中出租车。

Uber and NASA announced last Tuesday that theyre teaming up to simulate flying taxis in urban areas. 上周二,优步公司和美国宇航局(NASA)宣告合作仿真城区中的飞行中出租车。In 2016, Uber unveiled plans to develop electric flying cars to improve transportation in cities, alleviate congestion and provide affordable transportation. 2016年,优步发售计划研发电动飞行中汽车以提高城市交通,减轻交通堵塞以及获取价格实惠的交通工具。

NASA became a partner for the program a year later by developing air traffic management for a fleet of flying cars. 一年后,NASA沦为该项目的合作方,为飞行中汽车舰队研发空中交通管理系统。But now NASA wants to help get the concept off the ground even more. Literally.但是现在,NASA想协助这个概念获得实质性的阶段。Uber said it will share its plans for a ridesharing network of flying cars with NASA, which will conduct simulations. 优步回应,将同NASA共享飞行中汽车拼车网络计划,将回应展开仿真。

Although the vertical takeoff and landing vehicles seem like glorified helicopters, Uber believes its concept will be safer and cheaper than whats already available. 虽然这种横向民航机的汽车或许看起来Ultra的直升机,但优步坚信这一概念将比现有的交通工具更加安全性、更加廉价。Urban air mobility could revolutionize the way people and cargo move in our cities and fundamentally change our lifestyle much like smart phones have, NASA associate administrator Jaiwon Shin said.NASA副局长贾旺·申称:“城市空中交通有可能彻底改变乘客和货物在城市中的流动方式,可能会像智能手机一样,彻底转变我们的生活方式。


